Sunday, February 2, 2014

Birthday Bash this year!!

On 22nd January, 2014 I became a TEEN!!!! It was my most special day and I loved that day! This year my Birthday celebration was in a different way. TOTALLY different.

This year my dad decided to give a treat to the KIDS staying in a orphanage. I agreed to this idea. We gave those children a box containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, hair oil, pen, pencil. ruler, eraser and sharpener each. There were a total of 25 children. Each one of them got such a box. They felt really happy when they received those boxes. My parents had also donated some money for their dinner. Their dinner was served by telling my name.

It was a great experience by enjoying with those kids in the orphanage. I took charge of arranging those things in the box on the previous day of my birthday. This time NO party, NO dinner like always. But it was a memorable day!

I hope you also follow this and serve others. It is so enjoyable.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cycle day

"KEEP CALM AND PEDAL TO WORK OUT" was the caption in a man's T-Shirt in Chandragupta Maurya Grounds . I think this was the best caption of the day.

I had never known about this rally until last Monday. My friends and me thought of attending this rally.

We thought of bringing our bicycles and ride till our joy. But none of them came this morning because they were attending the Republic Day celebrations in our school. Our whole plan was a flop show. At least I attended the rally but without a cycle! :P

I did not take my cycle because the poster of the rally said that there were free cycle rentals. My uncle and me we were two of us and went in a bike. Hence, I could not take my 'Hercules Street rider'.We could not find a bicycle for rent  because each and every cycle was taken away for rent. But I took a demo ride on a 'Rockrider' this was a gear cycle and I enjoyed riding it. There were certain games organised and I participated in  some of them .

There were games like: Foot ball, Badminton, Skipping rope contest, Lagori, Street art, Hopscotch, Slow cycling race and many more. I enjoyed participating in all of these. But I had to go back home early because I could not participate in any more contests as I did not have a cycle.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Times of India posted my photograph at ComicCon this Tuesday - it was a different angle from the one below

Sunday, June 2, 2013

My favourite fiction

Books are my best friends. If I get involved in one of them, I forget my surroundings. I just love to read Fiction (do not mistake for Fairy Tales). I like to read Fiction stories like 'Main Street', ' 'Petal pushers', 'Chronicles of Narnia' and 'The Harry Potter Series' among the other books.

This post is about 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone', the first book of Rowling's series. This book is filled with fun, action, curious scenes. This book can make anybody to become a Harry Potter Nerd and make one to read all the other books.

The top five memories that I remember from the book are

  1. The moment when Harry Potter releases a snake on his cousin Dudely using Parsel tongue. 
  2. The moment Hagrid shows his pink umbrella to the Dursleys and turns Dudley into a pig.
  3. The adventure Harry goes to the forbidden forest with Draco Malfoy , Hagrid and Hermione Granger as a detention.
  4. The best adventure of finding the snitch as a seeker while playing Quidditch for the first time
  5. The last adventure inside the Third floor corridor facing against Quirell and the Dark Lord.
My next post will be about the second out!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


I used to be a Skype user for long till I saw this video on Youtube about Wechat.

The chat seems to be exciting and I started dreaming as soon as I saw the video. Who will I chat with and why?

Considering that I could talk to five or more people in a WeChat group, I tried to figure out who will be those five first
  1. Harry Potter & his 2 friends (Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger)
  2. Chris Gayle
  3. PSY
  4. Mahesh Babu
Wow! Is it not a great list of people who will appear on my chat with me? All my favorites in one screen and talking to me!! Wonderful! I will try to 'Look Around' and see if any friends of mine are available. If they are, I will send greeting to them so that they can join also.

What will we chat about? Many things. To start with, we will get into a Video call where I will first request Harry Potter and co. to teach the rest of us how to play Quidditch while Chris Gayle will guide everyone how to hit a six in T20 cricket match. Similarly, PSY will teach everyone how to dance Gangnam Style while Mahesh Babu will show his secrets of fight and dance in Bollywood style. 

I will be listening to all of them after giving them the above instructions and of course, seeing them without missing a single minute. Of course, I will also back up my chat history so that I can revisit those golden moments later also.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My holidays

My first day of holidays was boring because there was no one else to play with - my sister was still going to school whereas my brother had gone to his grandfather's house. It was a Government holiday the next day and it felt better as we played together in a tent.

My aunt came on the weekend and took my sister to Gauribidanur - again, there was no one to play with me. They came back the next day and I left this time with my aunt to Hassan. We reached there late in the night. The next day, I went with my aunt to the school where she teaches English. The school was still open and had exams - my aunt had invigilation duty. I was playing games on their computer and reading books in the library. I stayed there for 3 days only - I had to come back because of a problem with my eyes. I went to the doctor there itself and was given ointments and tablets.

I continued taking them in Bangalore also. After my eyes were fine, I went to my grandmother's house in Tiptur early in the morning and reached there by 8AM. As soon as I reached there, I started playing with my kitchen-set and spent time reading books. I played various games with my friends - hide & seek, snake & ladder, catch-me-if-you-can, etc. I spent 6 days over there and came back to Bangalore.

By then everyone had seen the movie 'Enthiran' - I wanted to see it because it was a super-hit movie. I asked my uncle how was the movie - to which he replied that it was hopeless. We all then went to have lunch at Chung-Wah. I tried out new dishes there like Dumplings, Momos, Chowmeins - it was very delicious. We went to KFC the day before our school started.

Hence, it was a superb vacation for me this time during Dussehra. 
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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Meeting Rahul Dravid at BIAL

My uncle took me, my sister and brother to the Bangalore Airport on Saturday.

 We met Rahul Dravid there and took photographs. I will write more about the visit later.
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